Tag: #wellbeing

Improve Your Brain Power: 10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Memory, Increase Your Mental Focus and Keep Your Mind Sharp.

If you want to boost your mental performance, improve your mental skills and increase your concentration you need to look after your mental health. Most people focus on improving their physical health completely forgetting about their mental and emotional wellbeing. So they invest in a gym membership, fitness equipment, costly yoga mat, nutrition books, clean eating meal plan thinking that a healthy body is all they need to reach their goals. But the truth is you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mind and vice versa. Mental and physical health are fundamentally linked and should be valued and take care of equally. If you want to transform your life, boost your mental powers, tap into your full potential and gain the most of this crazy journey we call life you need to focus on your mental wellbeing. And if you think that building strong mental health requires a massive amount of time, seeing a therapist or reading really hard books that’s not true. You can strengthen your mental health, improve your mental skills, boost your mood and increase your focus by doing quick and simple exercises.

My Top 10 Must-Haves for Living a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle

As you already know this month we are focusing on making financial health pivots, embracing the frugal lifestyle and getting into a habit of saving more money. So if you thought that after a series of posts about being intentional with money we are getting out of the money-saving mindset, that’s not the case. This post about the top must-haves for living a healthy and balanced life fits perfectly into the theme of our February series because living a frugal life and being financially stable does not mean giving up everything you love but practicing money consciousness. Because whether you’re starting a new diet or you’re trying to improve your financial situation it’s all about moderation, not deprivation. You cannot deprive yourself of everything you love because it will make you utterly unhappy and unsatisfied with your life. And that’s a prescription for a negative future… so let’s avoid that! Prioritizing your life and changing focus to quality over quantity seems to be a much better option. So without any further ado let’s get into today’s topic. Here are my top 10 (categories) must-haves for a healthy and balanced life. 

12 Life-Changing Habits of Highly Motivated People

Highly motivated people know that motivation is created intentionally and deliberately through actions, action sequences, and OTHER habits. There is nothing accidental or surprising about this process. There is no magical way you become insanely motivated just by thinking intensely about it. You need to take action that will trigger your motivation. And then once you become motivated to work towards your goals you need to fuel your motivation and keep the fire burning on the journey to your dreams. Why? well, because motivation is NOT constant. You need to take action, then another action and then… 

I’m sure you’re starting to see a pattern here…

Those “motivation fueling” actions, action sequences, and simple habits will help you to set a specific and sustainable rhythm of your daily life. And once you define the rhythm of your daily life you will no longer wait for motivation to strike and inspire you to start your new projects. 

In other words, if you want to be highly motivated you need to be active mentally and physically instead of waiting for something or someone to motivate you. 

Natural and Non-Toxic Personal Care Products To Indulge Yourself With For The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual.

Today I want to share with you my top 10 All-Natural And Non-Toxic personal care products that totally changed my life for the better — and they’re all $15 or less! And you know what’s even better? All of these skincare products are so pure that you can actually eat them! How crazy is that? It’s time to upgrade your self-care routine with some edible personal care products!

Home Alone - Tips on How to Survive and Have Fun Without Family at Christmas.

Spending Christmas Alone? Discover inexpensive, simple and fun ways to enjoy Christmas without family</p> <h3>Alone BUT Not Lonely</h3> <p><strong>Alright</strong>. If you’re reading this you’re either thinking why the heck someone wants to <strong>spend Christmas alone</strong> or you are THAT person who for some reason can’t spend Christmas with their family…

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