In Search Of Sleep - Get a Good Night’s Sleep with this Healthy & Productive Night Routine + lots of freebies & Ultimate Bundles

In Search Of Sleep

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In Search Of Sleep

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Because You Deserve A Good Night's Sleep

simple tips and healthy hacks to improve your night routine and geat quality rest tonight

Why Is Sleep Important?

I have never been a good sleeper even in my childhood. I remember having a really hard time in kindergarten during the afternoon “nap time”. What made things even worse was that I was the only child who couldn’t fall asleep. In consequence, I was awake in the middle of sleeping and snoring children trying to figure out how to survive this senseless waste of time. And let me tell you, it sucked.

When I was a teenager it didn’t get any better, actually, it got even worse. My childhood inability to take an afternoon nap was nothing compared to the real sleep problem I was having at that time. At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia and prescribed sleeping pills to „cure” my health problem. As you can probably imagine the prescribed medication helped me to cope with symptoms of insomnia but it didn’t entirely solve the problem. I knew that it was only a temporary solution and I needed a permanent one. It took me several years to find the source of my problem.

My sleep problems were caused by Anxiety Disorder and inadequate sleep hygiene. Which meant that I all I had to do was to address my mental health issues and develop some healthy sleep habits. And this is exactly what I did.

I created a healthy and productive night routine that not only helps me to get enough quality sleep but also makes me productive in my work and life. So, if you’re struggling with sleep problems or poor sleep habits this night routine will change your life! So get ready because I am about to reveal my powerful evening rituals for ultra-successful personal and professional life! 

healthy sleep routine

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healthy sleep routine

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It's Time for Self-Reflection

travel anxiety triggers

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Identify Your Sleeping Pattern.

💠 Are you getting enough sleep?

💠 Do you find it difficult to wake up? 

💠 Do you feel refreshed and well-rested immediately after waking up?

💠 Do you feel the need to take a nap in the afternoon?

💠 Do you sleep in on the weekends?

💠 How long does it take you to fall asleep?

The Importance of Sleep & Dangers of Poor Sleep Hygiene

Dangers of Lack of Sleep

Consistent lack of sleep or reduced quality of sleep can cause various health issues or even serious diseases such as:

  • Weak Immune System 
  • Poor Cognitive Performance
  • Memory Issues or even Memory Loss
  • Concentration Problems
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Digestive Issues
  • Slow Metabolism that can lead to weight gain
  • Insulin Resistance that can cause  Diabetes
  • Mood Swings
  • Depressed Mood
  • High Blood Pressure that can lead to Heart Diseases or Stroke
  • Higher Levels of Anxiety
  • Vision Problems
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Poor Physical Performance
  • Balance and Coordination Issues
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Chronic Pain
  • Insomnia
risks of poor sleep habits

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risks of poor sleep habits

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benefits of getting quality sleep

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Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

Quality rest heals mind, body, and spirit.


  • Strengthens Immune System
  • Raises Productivity Levels
  • Improves Mental Performance 
  • Improves Memory
  • Balances Hormones
  • Improves Digestion
  • Maximizes Athletic Performance
  • Lowers Blood Glucose Levels
  • Reduces the risk of diseases 
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Helps the body repair itself and recovers
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Heightens alertness
  • Increases creative thinking 
  • Increased libido

Simple and Powerful Ways to Improve your Sleep

Healthy & Productive Night Routine

Balance your Mind, Body, and Spirit Before Going to Bed

1. Exercise for Better Sleep

  • do a simple stretching
  • practice yoga for better sleep
  • go for an evening walk

2. Prepare for Tomorrow

  • plan for an ultra-effective and productive day the night before
  • make a powerful to-do list
  • define the most important tasks for tomorrow (MITs)
  • set your top priorities

3. Eat a Healthy Light Meal

  • Prepare a healthy nutrient-dense meal (great post about mindful eating HERE)
  • Recipes for healthy superfood delicious smoothies HERE 

4. Clean out the Mind Clutter

  • meditate
  • journal
  • practice mindfulness

5. Tidy Up

  • wash the dishes
  • clean your desk
  • take out the trash
  • organize your dirty laundry

6. Create a Calm and Peaceful Atmosphere

  • listen to ASMR
  • light a scented candle 
  • use essential oils with a diffuser, on your skin or in bath 

7. Journal for Self-Reflection

  • write down your today’s achievements
  • write down your “Gratitude Notes” and add them to your gratitude jar
  • get rid of difficult emotions and intrusive thoughts

8. Cultivate Self-Care

  • take a relaxing bath or shower 
  • do a body scrub or face mask
  • add essential oils to the bath or shower

9. Practice Law of Attraction

  • visualize and write down your visualizations
  • stay focused on your goals
  • say out loud your affirmations
  • meditate
  • cultivate self-love
  • spread positive energy
  • reflect on your progress
  • practice gratitude

10. Do a Digital Detox

High exposure to blue light can delay the release of a sleep-inducing hormone called melatonin. That’s why if you should always use blue-light blocking glasses while working on your computer, watching TV or scrolling through social media.  And about 2 hours before going to bed you should avoid using electronic devices that emit blue light. 

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home spa

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Download Your FREE Printable Worksheets For Better Sleep!

mindful eating

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mindful eating

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Healthy Evening Snack Ideas:

Foods to eat before bed for a good night’s sleep:

  • Activated Almonds
  • Banana 
  • Apples with Peanut butter
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Fatty fish
  • Protein shake
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese
  • High-Fiber Cereal or Oatmeal

Bedtime drinks for better sleep:

  • Decaffeinated Green Tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Matcha tea
  • Bedtime latte
  • Pure Coconut water
  • Bedtime Golden Milk Latte
  • Kefir (a probiotic-rich drink  made from fermented milk increases healthy gut bacteria)
  • Banana Shake
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Honey & Ginger Warm Lemon Water/Hot Honey Ginger Lime Tea (anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, detoxifies)
  • Water

Create a COZY Atmosphere

Turn your Bedroom into a Sleep Cave

1. Personalize your bedroom by visualizing your idea of perfect relaxation.

Make your bedroom a cozy, dreamy, personal and spiritual place according to your own taste.


2. Make your bedroom a sacred place

  • Keep a PEACEFUL and CALM atmosphere
  • Keep it CLEAN
  • Keep it SIMPLE
  • Keep it COOL
  • Keep it COZY
  • Keep it FRESH & lightly scented
  • Keep it DARK (only when it’s time for bed)


3. Adopt healthy sleeping habits

Healthy & Productive night routine will help you to relax, 

4. Keep it simple

I wouldn’t recommend you to paint the bedroom walls on some garish color because it may conflict with a relaxing atmosphere. Just keep it simple. Maybe opt for neutrals? Of course, white is not the only right choice but I would stick to soothing and relaxing paint colors that will affect your mood in a positive way. The same goes for the color of the blanket. Use your imagination, visualize your idea of sleep sanctuary and turn your bedroom into a cozy, relaxing sleep cave!

5. Connect with nature

Fill your bedroom with plants that improve your sleep. Don’t over complicate things just keep it simple. Don’t turn your bedroom into a jungle unless it’s exactly what you going for. I was thinking more about turning your house into a plant-filled paradise. And your bedroom is not an exception here. Don’t overanalyze it. Choose some easy-care houseplants for your bedroom and create a calming atmosphere for your sleep sanctuary.

Looking for some inspiration? I myself choose for my bedroom some powerful air-purifying plants like Aloe Vera, Peace Lily, Bamboo Palm, Weeping Fig, Cast iron plant and of Boston Fern. A little too much? I wouldn’t say that. Whatever works 🙂 Besides, connecting with nature on a daily basis is my idea of perfect relaxation.


6. Play with your senses

Touch - Let’s turn your bedroom in a comfy, sleep cave. Invest in comfortable, memory - foam mattress, comfy pillows, and some cooling bedsheets!

Sight - Create a bedroom space that will reflect your personality and style. Opt for neutral colors, embrace minimalism, put up photos, add wallpaper, put some scented candles on the nightstand. Use your imagination, creativity and turn yourself into an interior expert!

Sound - before going to sleep do a guided meditation for sleep, listen to some relaxing music or podcast just get in the mood…

Smell - The power of scent is incredible and often undervalued. The scent has a great impact on our mood and behavior. We fall in love easily in the scent that we like. And because of the close link between the sense of smell and memory, even one thought about the scent we love can trigger beautiful memories. So why don’t we make the best of it? Use your favorite essential oils and scented candles and make your bedroom a fragrant sanctuary. Personally, I think, that the best scents for relaxation and sleep are Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood or Chamomile. The choice is yours!

Taste - This may seem strange but I like to have a bottle of fresh infused water next to my bed. One sip of tasty strawberry, lavender, mint or blackberry water relaxes me. Mark me now, thank me later.


7. Indulge in a good night’s sleep

In The Arms Of Morpheus

Remember Morpheus, the Greek god of sleep? According to Greek mythology, he had this incredible ability to appear in dreams of mortals in every shape or form depending on the perception of the dreamer. Pure oneiric experience… a touch of mysticism…

When in the arms of Morpheus you can enjoy the most wonderful dreams and maybe if you’re lucky you will receive a message from the gods to the mortal world… Who knows…

cultivate self-care

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cultivate self-care

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Stay Positive

Be Mindful

and adopt a healthy & productive night routine

xo Kate

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12 thoughts on “In Search Of Sleep - Get a Good Night’s Sleep with this Healthy & Productive Night Routine + lots of freebies & Ultimate Bundles

  1. Great tips. I’m not a great sleeper but not so bad that it’s a problem.
    Definitely going to take a look at some of the air purifying plants you’ve mentioned.
    Thanks and enjoy your day x

    1. Hi Karen! Thank you for your comment. Talking about air purifying plants I love them especially Aloe Vera, Boston Fern, Spathiphyllum. I don’t know how it works but since I’ve bought them I sleep much better! P.S. How your running routine affects your sleep, if I may ask? Have a wonderful weekend! Take care!!

      1. The only time running affects sleep is if I have an evening race and then I often either can’t get to sleep or wake repeatedly. I need some of these plants for sure!

        1. I can totally relate to that! That’s why I believe that being consistent with your evening routine and creating your relaxing bedtime rituals can solve your sleep problems. There are so many relaxing activities for destressing at night you could try!! For example, a guided meditation, reading, journaling, yoga, chamomile tea, hot chocolate, using a blend of relaxing essential oils in a diffuser to create a relaxing atmosphere, eating a healthy evening meal filled With Magnesium and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, quick acupressure exercise to relax and ease tension ASMR whispering for sleep. What do you think about this? What’s your favorite activity for relaxation?

          1. Reading and journaling, sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. I haven’t really tried anything else you’ve mentioned. I don’t really have a favorite activity for relaxation… the word activity makes me think of things that aren’t relaxing.

            1. Well, actively “relax” does sound a bit like a contradiction but the truth is there many different activities like meditating, practicing yoga, taking an aromatic bath, listening to soothing music etc, that can help you to relax and calm an overactive mind. The best way to find out which activities are best for making you feel peaceful and calm is to try out different things. Just like you said, reading and journaling can be extremely helpful for relaxing and anxiety relief but they don’t always work. When I’ve heard ASMR whispering for the first time I said to myself, “What the hell am I listening to?” But I decided to give it a try and surprisingly it helped me to calm down a couple of times when nothing else was working. So I guess, it’s important to think outside of the box and try new things. Have you tried breathing exercises?

  2. Wow, this has got to me the most comprehensive resource on sleep I’ve ever seen, great job, Kate! Love the sound of the bundles with freebies too (I’m a sucker for a freebie!) My sleep pattern and habits have changed so much over the last few years, all because of health issues (my stoma, then breathing issues, have both being huge in messing up my sleep). Any little you change you can make to improve your sleep is worth a try. xx

    1. Caz you are superhuman! You’re such an inspiration to me! I cannot even tell you how happy your words make me feel. Have a wonderful weekend. P.S. I’ve just read your direct message on Instagram!! I will answer today, as soon as I’m back home from my grocery shopping 😁

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Hey, I’m Kate. I create content about a holistic approach to a meaningful life. On this platform, you will find resources on reaching YOUR goalstime management,  personal growth, & living your best life. 

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