11 Smart Tools & Apps To Plan & Organize Your Life In 2022+ FREE printables!

how to plan and organize 2022


Set Yourself Up For A Successful 2022

Planning and organizing the new year (2022) can be quite fun, enjoyable, and extremely easy but ONLY if you have the right tools. Otherwise, the whole process of preparation for a highly productive (and fun) day will be rather boring, uninspiring, and tiresome. And if you are tired before you even get into work, that’s not a good start. You want to be motivated, inspired, and ready to work hard towards your goals.

Lucky for us, there are a lot of awesome tools, methods, and techniques to plan and organize for a successful 2022! Actually, there are so many of them that it can get confusing. But don’t worry. You don’t have to waste your time and energy to test all of them out. I’ve already done it for you. Here are the top 11 absolutely fabulous tools to plan and organize your life in 2022 for maximum productivity and success.


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1. Notion

Imagine all the tools you use for organizing and planning your life but in one place. Sounds impossible, I know, but with Notion is not only possible, but it’s also true!

Notion is completely free for personal use, which means that you can plan, organize, schedule, track your habits, journal, set your life goals, set a budget or even create your vision board without spending any money out of pocket at all. Well, except paying for the internet. 

I personally use Notion to manage my content calendar, master-to-do list, work projects, daily schedule, monthly calendar, saved passwords or even my ideas. But there’s more. This organizing and productivity app provides components such as databases, boards, calendars and reminders helping you manage your time like a pro. And it’s highly personalized! Ready to try it?

Get FREE Notion App here

source: support.google.com

2. Google Calendar

The secret to living an organized life is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind, and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency. Not to mention that having it all planned out means is a synonym of being less stressed, more productive, and mentally prepared for what is about to come, or more precisely, what you’re about to accomplish. And what better way to plan, schedule and organize your life than by using Google Calendar? Seriously, is there any better Calendar App? 

Google Calendar is one of the best online calendar services for multiple reasons. First of all, this cross-platform calendar app helps you to schedule like you have a personal assistant working for you 24/7 with the difference that it’s completely free (just remember to pay your internet bill).

Second, Google Calendar makes managing and sharing your multiple calendars with others extremely easy. Not to mention that you can sync Google Calendar with your phone and integrate it with your Gmail. Isn’t that great? 

The third reason to start using this calendar app is that you can use it for time-blocking making your productivity levels skyrocket. I use it for that purpose and I have to admit that it works! So as you can see there are so many benefits of using Google Calendar that you should really give it a try!

photo source: Wikipedia

3. Evernote

Evernote is one of the most powerful productivity apps you can use to manage your projects, arrange your ideas, organize your notes into notebooks and collect resources in one place so that you have everything under control.

This awesome (and FREE) note-taking app will not only boost your organizing skills but also it will take your productivity to next level. There’s a reason why highly productive executives and entrepreneurs use it on a daily basis for manipulating their time and arranging their ideas. And now it’s your turn. 

Download FREE Evernote app here

Watch an awesome Evernote tutorial here and discover all the possibilities offered by this powerful note-taking app. 

4. Physical Planner

Maybe I am old-fashioned but I love using a physical planner to plan, organize and schedule my life. There is something special and unique in writing your plans, goals, to-do list, gratitude notes, or even random ideas in your paper planner. And I have this overwhelming feeling that writing things down actually helps you to memorize them better. Don’t get me wrong I love digital planners especially Notion and Google Calendar that I’ve mentioned earlier, but I also love my old-fashioned, minimalist paper planner. 

A physical planner is a perfect organizational tool for many different reasons. First of all, handwriting with a pen is a kind of relaxing experience. Second, putting your thoughts on paper truly helps you to declutter your mind and free up your mental space. And since you’re not being distracted by thousands of notifications, reminders, open folders or social media profiles writing in a physical planner boosts your focus and motivation. 

5. Plan Your Work Productively

Whether you keep working from home during the current Pandemic or thinking about starting a side hustle in 2022 you need a good strategy (planning method) that will help you to work effectively, create motivation and stay focused on your professional goals.

Having a planning method that works for you is crucial if you want to maximize your time, set the right priorities, and focus on the things that pay you most instead of making everything equally important.

“The Work form Home: Productivity & Balance” Workbook is practical know-how filled with practical tips, action steps, and perspective on making your everyday life much more productive, balanced, and enjoyable. You can get this planner here or here

This workbook (53 pages) is designed to help you maximize your productivity and increase your effectiveness without sacrificing your life balance.

Whether you work from home during the Coronavirus Pandemic or thinking about starting a side hustle, this workbook can help you build a more thoughtful work-from-home strategy, bring structure to your workday and create a healthy work-life balance.


- Tips for Working from Home Effectively
- Tips To Stay Organized & Motivated
- Tools for designing your own schedule, rock your to-do list and create an ideal daily routine
- Time Management Tips (The Eisenhower Box, The Pareto Principle worksheets included)
- Yearly, Monthly & Weekly Goal Setting (+ Goal Progress Index)
- Yearly, Monthly, Weekly Planner
- Daily Plan & Schedule
- Monthly & Weekly Organizer
- Time blocking method schedule
- Daily Routines for successful entrepreneurs
- Work Task Checklists
- Powerful Work-Breaks Planner & Checklist
- Yearly, Monthly, Weekly Project Planner
- Creative Worksheets
- Password Keeper
- Healthy Meal Planner
- Flow State & Mindful Motivation Checklist
- Professional Skills Development Tracker
- Healthy Habit Trackers


  • Entrepreneurs
  • Small Business Owners
  • People currently working from home due to Coronavirus
  • Work from home Moms & Dads
  • Direct Sales & Network Marketing
  • Online Shops
  • & more!

6. Set Effective New Year's Goals

If you haven’t already set New Year’s goals, now it’s the perfect time to do that. And if there are adjustments needed about your goal achievement strategy, “The Magic 4 Of Gaining Clarity” - my personal method of setting and achieving goals will help you greatly!

You will find this method along with:

  • 8-step formula for success in setting and achieving goals
  • 10-step process of goal achievement
  • 6 laws of Goal Setting Universe
  • Strategic planning process
  • Specific (goal setting related) knowledge
  • Powerful (and simple) tips to developing a successful mindset
  • Creative & Inspiring exercises to develop a crystal clear vision of your (ideal) future
  • Step by step guide to set the right (SMART) goals
  • A simple strategy to create an effective (and highly personalized) action plan
  • Tools for designing your own schedule, rocking your to-do list and creating an ideal daily routine
  • Time Management Tips (The Eisenhower Box, The Pareto Principle worksheets included)
  • Yearly, Monthly & Weekly Goal Setting (+ Goal Progress Index)
  • SMART goals checklist
  • Mind Mapping for SMART goal setting
  • Checklists
  • Celebration challenges
  • Creative Worksheets
  • The wheel Of life & fulfillment scale
  • Flow State Rituals
  • Professional Skills Development Tracker
  • Powerful Habit Trackers
  • and more

in my new workbook titled “The Laws of Goal Setting Universe” that you can get here or here.

“The Laws of Goal Setting Universe” Workbook: The Formula For Success In Setting & Achieving Goals” is a 100-page workbook designed to help you create a crystal clear vision of your future, set the right goals (in alignment with your vision and purpose), create a successful mindset, and develop smart tactics (habits, routines, rituals) that will help you achieve your objectives faster and more easily.

Goals Setting Mind Map

7. Plan Your Life With Written Lists

According to scientific research, our short-term memory can hold approximately seven separate items for less than half of minute. This is due to the fact that human brains are not designed to remember things but to process them. So if you’re having a hard time memorizing multiple information at once or you „easily” forget what’s on your never-ending to-do list, it’s because it is simply impossible.

Relying on your memory is a quick way to get overwhelmed and confused. Not to mention that, if you don’t write things down you will simply forget them. To prevent that you should make a list or multiple lists.

Keeping things out of your head will help you to organize your thoughts and capture what’s truly important. A written list is an amazing tool to determine your most important tasks, categorize your to-do’s, and organize your information. And you know what’s even better? That you can make lists about anything. Seriously, about anything. I, for instance, make my master to-do list, my not-to-do list, shopping list, grocery shopping list, enjoyment list, booklist, audiobook list, bucket list, declutter list, etc. Yeah, I know I am an obsessive list-maker but I love it and my brain loves it!

8. Financial Planner/Budgeting App

Can you even tell that you are seriously organized without having your finances under control? Well, probably not. Because, money plays an important role in our lives, thus pretending otherwise is just unwise.

Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy financial freedom and open door to opportunities you didn’t have before. For instance, if you’re struggling financially you cannot afford the highest-ranked University even if you’ve got accepted, you’re struggling to pay medical bills, you can’t improve your diet by adding more organic food into your daily meals, and of course, you’re struggling with financial stress, which is the worst because it literally ruins your health.

Planning and organizing your finances is crucial for living a healthy, enjoyable, fulfilling, and financially stable life. That’s why it is so important to take care of financial health and start building your future wealth right now. And to help you with that here are the absolute best tools for organizing your financial life:

Best Financial Apps Of 2021

  1. Qapital here - Banking designed with your goals in mind
  2. Wally here - professional expense report app
  3. Mint here - saving and budgeting app
  4. Digit here - saving app    
  5. Every Dollar here - budget tool and expense tracker      
  6. Acorns here - saving and budgeting app
  7. You Need a Budget here - create a budget within your actual income
  8. Prism Bills&Money here - organizing and paying bills app
  9. Bill Watch here - managing, organizing and reminding bills payment app
  10. Albert here - saving, budgeting and paying a debt app
  11. Tycoon here - Freelancers app
  12. Personal Capital here - investment optimization app 
  13. PocketGuard here - extra money spending app here - categorizes and organizes your expenses, monthly bills, and subscriptions
  14. Travel Wallet iOS / Android - travel budget and expense app

Best Posts On Personal Finance

  1. 9 Best Financial Goals For 2021 & Powerful Tips To Actually Achieve Them
  2. 6 Essential Steps To Regain Control Of Your Finances
  3. How To Become Money Conscious And Start Saving Money From Scratch.
  4. Become A More Mindful Shopper And Save Money! – powerful tips & call to action

9. Time Blocking Tools

Have you ever experience a zone-like state of absolute focus and undisturbed concentration? Would you like to repeat this? What is I tell you that you can enter your brain’s most productive way on command? And what happens if I add that that achieving flow state is easier than you think. Because developing laser-like focus is actually very simple, but it requires some strategy. The strategy comprises five consecutive steps:

  1. Get out tasks of your head into your notebook
  2. Add all your tasks to your prioritized to-do list
  3. Decide on specific time slots in your calendar and reserve them for the tasks (you can also schedule your breaks to boost your productivity levels)
  4. Work on your tasks within the prescribed time period
  5. Be disciplined and act on your schedule

I am sure you have already figured out that the strategy we’re discussing here is called time-blocking or calendar blocking. There is no coincidence that the most successful entrepreneurs use this simple time-management method to increase their productivity levels, minimize the cost of the context switching and maximize their commitment to their goals.

If you ask me, time-blocking was a real life-changer for me. I didn’t realize how effective and simple this strategy really is until I tried it. That is why I HIGHLY recommend you to use this technique to organize your task, increase your focus and make your productivity skyrocket.

Best Apps And Tools For Time Blocking

  1. Google Calendar
  2. Trello - project management app here
  3. Clockify - Free Time Tracking Software here
  4. Toggl - Easy Time Blocking
  5. Asana -  Manage your team’s work, projects, & tasks online here
  6. Todoist - task management software here 
  7. The Pomodoro Technique

10. The Eisenhower Box

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Even though this famous quote from Albert Einstein was closely referred to the science, it works well in pretty much every sphere of life. Because by simplifying your tasks you avoid unnecessary actions, decision fatigue, and complexity trap – the famous three behaviors that effectively block success and prevent you from living your best life.

By keeping things simple you avoid adding unnecessary work to your already jam-packed schedule and wasting your time on “mediocre” activities that do not move you closer to your long-term goals. As a result, you can focus on what’s truly important and what pays you the most. 

Simplicity is the key to a successful life both professional and personal. You want to focus on taking action, not on planning on endless possibilities and overthinking unimportant details that are not really making any difference. Only by taking action, you can create results. 

  1. prioritize your tasks using The Eisenhower Box
  2. simplify your actions using The Pareto Principle
  3. The Parkinson’s Law

Productivity Boost Free Worksheets

  1. DO - urgent and important tasks that need to be done immediately (ex. finishing a client project, paying bills)
  2. DECIDE - important but not urgent tasks that aren’t your top priorities but you should schedule them to ensure that progress is being made (ex. strategic planning, personal development, new opportunities)
  3. DELEGATE - urgent but not important tasks that need to be done but they can be done by someone else (ex. responding to some emails, meal prep)
  4. DELETE - not urgent and not important tasks that don’t add value to your life (time-wasters, distractions, unnecessary decisions, non-critical choices)

Prioritize & Simplify Your Tasks Worksheets

11. Fitness/Health App

Living in a Technological Era has many advantages, like being able to work remotely, study online, connect with your loved ones within seconds, increase your knowledge without going to the library, develop new skills, create an online community, pay your bills or even shop for food without leaving your home. However, there are also many disadvantages of living in a tech-saturated world and one of them is lack of physical activity.

Scientific research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is a leading cause of many chronic or even terminal diseases. So why risk so much? You want to be a healthy, happy, glowy, creative and physically active individual, right? To achieve that you should build workout plans that fit your schedule and goals. And what better way to do that than by using fitness apps? If you’re not sure which one is the best, here are the top 5:

  1. Sworkit - personal trainer app iOS / Android
  2. J&J Official 7 Minute Workout - science-based workout method designed by Chris Jordan iOS / Android
  3. ‎Fitness & Bodybuilding Pro on the App Store - iOS / Android 
  4. Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer - each workout and exercise is demonstrated by a professional trainer iOS / Android

Grab Your Free Printable Workbooks

Stay positive, be mindful and organize your life like a Pro!

xo Kate

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Hey, I’m Kate. I create content about a holistic approach to a meaningful life. On this platform, you will find resources on reaching YOUR goalstime management,  personal growth, & living your best life. 

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