I wish you a Happy Merry Christmas!
Christmas can trigger anxiety for many different reasons. If you suffer from anxiety, and panick attacks in this post you will find healthy tips, tricks and hacks to deal naturally with your anxiety and have a happy and paceful Christmas.
Spending some quality time with yourself is the best way to focus on your goals, needs and small pleasures. One of the best ways to spend time alone and actually enjoy it is to go on a date with yourself. This post is about solo date ideas that I hope will inspire you to spend more time in your own company building a healthy and strong relationship with yourself.
Let’s fall in love with fall, embrace the magical atmosphere of this incredibly beautiful season. This post is about embracing the beauty of autumn, its warm and vibrant colors, stunning scenery and the sound of the leaves beneath the feet. Instad of getting depressed with the first day of autumn just go on a walk and look how beautiful autumn really is. Oh, let’s fall in love Frank.
The moral of this story is that happiness is a state of mind, chemical imbalance, a temporary high, a natural phenomenon, and a just a feeling. It’s not a permanent state. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is a choice. So when it happens to you, don’t overanalyze it. Just embrace this fleeting moment… Don’t be afraid of embarrassing yourself. Be fully present. Just go with it. Be authentic. Find your tribe and live your life to the fullest! No regrets!
Celebrate autumn through self-care rituals. Focus on 5 dimensions of self care and try a holistic wellness to create a healthy balance in your life.
Here are my 15 simple tips to embrace, protect and develop childlike behaviors being an adult. We all know that being childlike is the best way to enjoy our adulthood. So, don’t give up on your best characteristics but instead use your imagination and creativity and have some fun! Be childlike and enjoy your adult life!
There is a huge difference between behaving “childish” and being “childlike”. It seems that society constantly confuses these two completely different types of behavior. Furthermore, these two concepts have completely different connotations negative and positive, the first one refers to immature and silly behavior which isn’t and shouldn’t be socially accepted when it comes to the adults. But the second one indicated that you as an adult managed to keep the best qualities and character traits that a human being can have. And we’re talking here about the personal qualities like honesty, authenticity, curiosity, excitement, amazement, openness and unrestricted creativity.