Category: Psychology

44 Essential Rules For A Happy Life - My Perspective On Happiness.

“Happiness is not a goal…it’s a by-product of a life well lived.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt <p>Recently a friend of mine asked me what, in my opinion, are essential rules for a happy life. Being completely honest I needed some time to look inside myself, investigate my thoughts and choose those…

The Very Reason Why You Should ALWAYS Listen To Your Gut Instinct - the sound of your inner voice.

When we want to take a decision we usually rely on our critical and logical thinking completely forgetting about our sixth sense - our intuition. Some call it “gut feeling” or “gut instinct”, I like to call it my the sound of my inner voice. Our intuition is a precognitive knowledge that helps us make decisions, avoid danger and live in a more authentic way. In other words, “gut instinct” is our best life guidance. Of course the best way to make a conscious decision is to combine gut instinct with critical and logical thinking. So be mindful, listen to your gut and use your logical reasoning and you should be fine.

Take A Naked Selfie But First Clean Your Room For God’s Sake…

Your messy environment indicates the state of your mind because your personal external space talks a lot about your inner world. You can’t be an organized, productive and inspired person if you live in a complete mess. That’s why decluttering your mind begins from decluttering your external space. So clean your room and next do your thing.
make your background presentable

Are We Compatible?

How we can tell if we are compatibible with someone else? Is there any simple and effective way to understand this social phenomenon? Yes, it is and this article will help you to find out if you are compatible with other person. So next time when you meet someone new you will know immediately if this person is compatible with you or not.

Forgiven Not Forgotten - Why Forgiveness Is For You Not The Other Person.

Have you ever heard that forgiveness is for you not for other person? It’s true. Furthermore, forgiving doesn not mean forgetting, excusing unaxeptable behavior or minimizing your pain. Actually it’s the opposite. Forgiveness means acknowlege your suffering and using it to grow as a person. Forgiveness means freedom and being able to move forvard with your life. It doesn’t mean that you have to forgive lightly and forget all the bad someone caused to you. Being able to forgive means being able to use suffering and hurt into your advantage and grow from this difficult feelings. Just like letting go of resentments helps you to find your peace of mind and create a healthy balance. Forgiveness is freedom.

A letter to my best friend: My Solitude.

Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely. Solitude helps you to understand your feelings, thoughts and emotions without being distracted or influenced by others. Furthermore, embracing solitude is an essential part of self-care and the best chance to connect with your higher-self. So dedicate your time alone to nourish your mind, body and spirit and indulge in small pleasures.

The Art Of Learning From Mistakes - Why Making Mistakes Is Actually A Good Thing.

Making mistakes it’s essential part of learning process. But to be able to learn your life lesson first you need to admit that you’ve made a mistake and figure out what this situation tells you about the person you are and how you can use this particular mistake into your advantage. This post explain why we shouldn’t see our mistakes as failures and how we can grow from these wrong decisions and evolve into the best version of ourselves.

Irrecoverably Lost

We tend to take everything for granted completely forgetting that life can change in a second. That’s why it is so important to practice gratitude , be kind and thankful for every moment of our life, everything we have, every good person we know and every experience life gives us. Life is a gift and we should never forget about this. Changes are built into the human existence

3 Steps To Radical Acceptance

Learn to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Always give yourself permission to feel exactly how you feel in a certain moment. Don’t try to change your state of mind. Trust your gut. Live in the present moment. Be mindful. Work on positive self-talk. And learn how to practice radical acceptance. Accept your reality. And remember that transformation is always preceded by a moment of acceptance. Radical acceptance.

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