Give Yourself A Rest That You Deserve
- Do you feel tired on your off days?
- Do you feel completely rest, refresh and recharge after a vacation?
- Do your relationships nourish your emotional health?
- Do you usually wake up happy and on time?
- Do you feel at peace with yourself?
We live on the run and we’re always late. Most of us wish there were more than 24 hours a day because that would mean that we could put even more on our plate.
We are severely overworked, incredibly overstressed, seriously overwhelmed, dangerously overstimulated and extremely anxious. Our schedules are jam-packed with appointments or tasks for every single hour. We listen instead of reading because it’s more convenient. We write instead of talking because it’s faster.
We literally don’t have time for anything besides work and other responsibilities. We live a sedentary lifestyle far away from the purest nature even if we do not that it slowly makes us sick. We struggle to manage our never-ending to-do list. We spend less and less quality time with our loved ones. Our brains are completely overloaded by too much information and external stimuli that they cannot even process. And then when we try to reboot our brains it turns out that it’s completely fried.
So what we should do to feel fresh, energized, and in control of our lives again? Well, in my personal opinion there is only ONE correct answer to that question: WE SHOULD REST.
And by REST I mean, embracing 7 types of rest. Yeah, there are 7 types of rest, not just one. And if you want to learn more about all of them, then continue to read this post.
PS. Don’t forget to grab your FREEBIES!
7 Types Of Rest
Physical: there are two types of physical rest active and passive
- active: resting to relieve the body from physical tensions and stress
- passive: getting quality sleep on a regular schedule to heal your body, reorganize your brain and rejuvenate your heart
Mental: resting to clear your mental clutter, restore your mental energy and redirect your focus on what’s truly important in your life
Emotional: resting to increase your emotional intelligence, relieve emotional stress, manage difficult emotions and painful memories
Creative: resting to unlock your creative genius, find inspiration and increase self-motivation to work toward your goals
Social: resting to increase your social intelligence, identify which relationships are truly enhancing your life and which individuals drain your energy and sabotage your success
Sensory: resting deal with everyday life overstimulation, get rid of sensory overload, identify the essential, and help your brain to focus on what’s truly important
Spiritual: resting to connect with something greater than yourself, tap into your true potential, and create a sense of meaning to nourish your soul
2 Step Process Of Resting
I’ve decided to divide each type of rest into two parts:
- Detox/Declutter
- Recharge/Reboot
because in my personal opinion before we recharge our inner batteries we need to get rid of the negative, unwanted and toxic.
7 Types Of Rest: Simple Activities & Powerful Ideas
Physical Rest
Detox your body:
- Improve your nutrition
- Stay hydrated
- Reduce sugar intake
- Quit smoking
- Cut back on drinking
- Use natural & organic skincare & personal care products
- Try natural remedies for a common health issues
- Live a more holistic lifestyle
Reboot your body:
- Get quality sleep on a regular schedule
- Active stretching
- Restorative yoga
- Go for a walk
- Give yourself a soothing self-massage
- Take a hot relaxing bath
- Take a cold shower (Learn about the Wim Hof Method here)
Mental Rest
Detox mental wellbeing:
- Try a mental cleanse
- Do a brain dump
- Create a journal to declutter your mind
- Practice self-reflection
- Eliminate unnecessary decisions and non-critical choices from your daily life
- Declutter your home
Recharge your mind:
- Try Mindfulness meditation
- Try deep breathing exercises
- Discover the benefits of intermittent silence
- Start a gratitude journal
3 Types Of Mindfulness Meditation
Guided Meditations - Guided meditations are highly beneficial for both mental and physical wellbeing. They are a powerful tool in building self-awareness, gaining a new perspective, reducing stress and anxiety, accepting your feeling and emotions without judging them, increasing creativity and motivation, connecting with your higher-self, establishing a healthy relationship with your self, creating a mind, body, and spirit balance
Breathing Exercises - Mindful breathing exercises have a variety of benefits. Since we can control and regulate our breath we can use a simple act of inhaling and exhaling as a powerful tool in reducing stress, anxiety or getting rid of negative emotions like anger or frustration. Focusing on your breath can also improve your attention, concentration, and self-awareness.
Body Scan Meditation - It’s a powerful component of mindfulness practice designed to develop self-awareness. In particular, it’s a way to get in touch with your body. A way to narrow your complete attention to the one part of the body to move to the other part right after that. Body scan meditation practice improves the ability to move the attention up or down to the body. It trains your mind to switch your focus from detail to the wider one.
Best Meditation Apps In 2021
- Headspace Meditations, Mindfulness & Sleep (Android / iOS)
- Calm Meditation and Sleep Stories (Android / iOS)
- Aura: Sleep & Mindfulness (Android / iOS)
- 10% Happier: Meditation & Sleep (Android / iOS)
- The Mindfulness App: relax, calm, focus and sleep
(Android / iOS) - Insight Timer - Meditation for Sleep & Anxiety (Android / iOS)
- Smiling Mind Meditation for all ages (iOS / Android)
Learn to use your emotions to think, not think with your emotions.
Emotional Rest
Detox your emotions:
- Embrace difficult emotions (how to deal with fear successfully here)
- Manage painful memories
- Heal your inner child
- Identify your fears and emotional triggers
- Express your true feelings (in a healthy way)
Recharge your emotional battery:
- Connect with nature
- Connect with your inner child
- Practice positive self-talk
- Boost your Happy Hormones
how to hack happy chemicals
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="">Best Posts On Self-Care
- How To Make An Epic Self-Care Kit For Strong Mental Health + Freebies!
- How To Create A Simple Self-Care Routine That Will Make You Thrive + Free Printables & Checklists!
- Natural and Non-Toxic Personal Care Products To Indulge Yourself With For The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual.
- 7 Steps to Detox Your Mental Wellbeing. – Cleanse Your Mind for a More Positive Life
- Everything Starts In Your Head – 12 Healthy Rules For a Strong Mental Health.
Creative Rest
Detox from toxic comparisons:
- Try Dopamine Detox here
- Ditch The Comparison Trap
Reboot your creativity:
- Create a Vision Board to create an emotional connection to your future self
Use Osborn’s checklist - Feed your passion
- Engage in a hobby
- Start side hustle
- DIY like a PRO
- Fix something yourself
- Create a fun challenge
- Learn a new skill
- Take an online course on Skillshare here
- Listen to an inspirational podcast
- Watch motivational Ted talks
- Spend 1 hour on an activity that you’ve never done
- Try a new board game
- Create uplifting songs playlist on Spotify
- Take an online quiz - ex. The 16 personality types were created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs to discover your strengths, hidden talents and unlock your full potential. No registration required! You will find this test here
Social Rest
Detox yourself from a toxic relationship(s):
- Eliminate toxic people from your life
- Learn to say “NO”
- Go on a solo date
Reboot your social life:
- Nurture relationships with people who bring value to your life
- Focus on quality, not quantity
- Get outside your comfort zone and meet new people
- Protect your boundaries
- Be a mindful listener
- Show appreciation & express gratitude to others
Sensory Rest
Sensory Input Detox:
- Do a Digital Detox - take a break from screens
- Have a phone-free day
- Try Dopamine Detox
- Cultivate Il Dolce far Niente
- Unfollow and unsubscribe people on social media that make you feel bad about yourself
- Spend time in nature without your smartphone
- Unplug and just do nothing for a while
Turn reactional living into intentional living:
- Create a home spa
- Celebrate the senses with 5 sensory activities (ex. create a Mindful coffee/tea experience)
- Try cooking extravaganza
- Engage in sensory activities to boost memory
- Try sensory activities for focus and calm
Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable
Spiritual Rest
Declutter your soul:
- Practice Self-Acceptance
- Stop doing the things that are hurting you
Reboot your spiritual life:
- Meditate
- Pray
- Practice Intermittent Silence
- Sharpen your intuition
- Be more intentional in your daily life
- Create a focused list of what do you want to achieve and experience in your life
- Determine your core life values
- Set morning intentions
- Practice Self-Compassion
Now it’s time to create your own highly personalized 30-day mental wellness challenge. So find a peaceful place where you can feel comfortable and relaxed, take some time to reflect on the current version of yourself and start filling out the worksheet below!
1st DAY of the challenge: reflect on your current state
30th (last day of the challenge): review
2nd - 29th day: every day try one of 7 types of challenge (3 x the same type) but choose a different activity
Grab Your Free Printable Workbooks

Posts On Achieving Success In Life:
- Discover 10 simple ways to train your self-discipline muscle
- Use best time management apps to keep you on schedule at work
- Organize your day around your goals
- Use the Eisenhower Box to identify your top priorities and avoid the urgency trap
- Create and maintain a powerful morning routine
- Develop morning rituals to make your motivation flow effortlessly
- Keep your mind sharp
- Create motivation through action
- Start before you are ready
- Improve your decision-making process
- Overcome your self-limiting beliefs that block your progress
- Balance productivity and happiness
- Cultivate self-care routine
- The 3 x 8 rule for Perfectly Balanced Day & Life
- Create rituals to induce a flow state
- Try Dopamine Detox for Maximum Productivity
Stay positive, be Mindful and start your rest challenge!
xo Kate