Table of Contents
Sustainability Is the New Advantage
Wouldn’t be great to grow your own organic herbs and veggies? You could prepare your favorite Caprese sandwich, Quinoa Salad with Roasted Zucchini or Rustic pesto pizza. And if that doesn’t convince you, I’ve got other powerful reasons why you should start a garden and here they are:
- Gardening is a mood booster and stress reliever
- Gardening gives you a sense of purpose
- Gardening burns calories (daily dose of aerobic exercise)
- Garden nurture learning (build your brain muscle)
- Gardening can help you eat healthier
- Gardening saves you money (fresh herbs are expensive)
- Gardening helps form connections (family bonds)
- Gardening teaches responsibility (in case you need that)
And the best is you don’t need to have any extra outdoor space for a garden. Because you can start a garden in a small backyard, in your apartment, or on your balcony. You can plan a vertical garden or get a large container and soil and grow some tasty things in your kitchen. The only limit here is your imagination.
Once you understand this, all you need is practical tips & useful knowledge that will help you to start your gardening journey.
Ready to become more self-sufficient?
Get all the tools to make it happen with the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle. 96% off.
Inside you’ll find eBooks and eCourses that teach you how to:
- Grow delicious vegetables (even if you’re short on space)
- Preserve food with canning, dehydrating & fermenting
- Plan your garden so you don’t waste a square inch
- Homestead like it’s your job (seriously, you can make money from it)
- And even raise your own chickens!
- And much more!
When you buy the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle, you’ll get access to:
- 12 eBooks
- 7 eCourses
- 6 printables & planners
Best of all, you can get the entire package for just $24.97.
What’s in the Bundle?
The bundle consists of 25 products divided into several more specific topics:
- Cultivate & Nourish a Sustainable Life
- Gardening 101- Tips and Tools for Planting Vegetables and Fruits
- Growing Food for beginners
- Permaculture
- The Backyard Forest Garden
- Gardening Planner
Bundle Products List
- Getting Started (4 resources worth $189.97)
- Growing Food (8 resources worth $92.39)
- Planning (4 resources worth $126.96)
- Sustainability (9 resources worth $173.48
What Types Of Products are in the Bundle?
- 12 eBooks
- 6 eCourses
- 7 Printables & Workbooks
What is the Cost of the Bundle?
The bundle of 25 products costs $24.97. There is an additional option for cheat sheets, which are abbreviated notes versions of the materials. It’s $34.97 with the cheat sheets included.
My Top 9 Recommended Products in the Bundle
- Gardening for Beginners: The Common Sense Way to Grow Your Own Food by Laurie Neverman (eCourse) worth $99.00
This course will help you fight rising food prices, and grow vegetables and fruit without toxic chemicals. If you’re new to gardening, or tried gardening and flopped, this course will give you the tools you need for success. - Cultivate & Nourish a Sustainable Life by Kathie N. Lapcevic (Printable) worth $8.50
Beautiful and useful printables with a guide to help you create and maintain a simple life close to the earth. - How to Grow a Beauty and Skin Care Garden You Can Rely On by Christine Dalziel (eBook) worth $14.97
Cultivate beautiful skin with plants you grow in your garden. - Garden Productivity Toolkit by Jason Matyas (Course) worth $89.00
Provides you with a detailed guide with 10 ways to increase your garden’s productivity, three planning tools to make your job much easier, and bonus video training and Q&A session to help you grow more food. - How to Grow Enough Food for a Year by Annie Coombe (eBook) worth $14.99
Gardening tips to grow enough food for a year for your whole family – learn to grow vegetables in your backyard garden, in pots and containers and even vertical gardening! - Fight Your Food Waste in Four Weeks by Kristen The Frugal Girl (eCourse) worth $49.00
Learn how to stop throwing away food (and money!) - The Sustainable Garden Workbook by Ann Accetta-Scott (Workbook) worth $15.00
Make the switch from an in-season hobby garden into a sustainable garden that will feed you throughout the year. - Raising Chicks Masterclass by Shelby DeVore (eCourse) worth $39.00 A beginner’s level course to raise healthy, happy baby chicks at home.
- The Permaculture Inspired Vegetable Garden by Amy Stross (eBook) worth $14.99
Grow a vegetable garden that is high-yielding, yet easy to maintain and ecologically friendly.
5 BONUSES in the Bundle
FREE Gardener Soap and Travel Skin Relief Salve from Puro Co. worth $18
Puro Company specializes in unique aromatherapy blends, artisan soap and skincare products. Every product is handcrafted and formulated by Kristyn Bango, a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Dietary Supplement specialist to provide holistic tools to compliment overall wellbeing and success.
2. FREE 1-yr Subscription to The House and the Homestead Magazine Plus an Exclusive Special Edition from The House and the Homestead worth $15
The House & Homestead is a blog focused on modern homesteading, self-sufficiency and sustainable living. Modern Homesteading Magazine is an extension of The House & Homestead blog. Each issue deep dives into a different topic related to modern homesteading and includes feature articles, guest interviews with experts and exclusive recipes and DIYs. In the past we’ve covered everything from organic gardening to backyard chickens to home canning to sourdough bread and much, much more. How subscriptions work: The magazine is a free digital magazine that gets delivered to subscribers in a read-only format each month. While each new magazine issue is free to view during the month that it is live, only paid members get unlimited access to all current and past issues in our library (19 issues and counting), which also includes the ability to download, save, print and read issues offline.
3. Factory Second Orta Sixie Pot from Orta Kitchen Gardens worth $25 (limit of 500 pots)
Orta helps you start your own plants from seeds and cuttings with their unique self-watering terracotta pots. You refill the water reservoir once a week and the pots take care of the rest, ensuring your baby plants get just the right moisture to thrive. Especially now, with trips to the nursery limited, growing successfully from seed is powerful and useful. All Orta pots are handmade in Oakland California from non-toxic ceramic materials, come in 100% paper packaging (including shipping), and are guaranteed for life.
4. Simply Soothing Rash Stick and Natural Lip Balm from MadeOn Skincare worth $19.00
MadeOn Skin Care is a family-run company that specializes in simple, effective, safe skincare. Their flagship product, the Beesilk Hard Lotion Bar, has brought relief to dry, cracked skin to tens of thousands of men, women and children. Find a Simply Soothing Stick and Natural Lip Balm as this year’s bonus… both “tools” should be a part of your skin’s gardening toolbox.
5. Free Washing Machine Cleaner from MyGreenFills worth $18
MyGreenFills is an eco-friendly company in the USA that makes non-toxic, laundry, and cleaning products shipped to homes in the United States and Canada.
Refund Policy
This is a strange, uncertain time, and I’m glad Ultimate Bundles offers a 30-day happiness guarantee. You can try the bundle out for a month and if you don’t like the bundle if you need your money back, or for any reason, just email their customer happiness team within 30 days for a full refund.
Pros Of The Bundle
- High-quality products covering lots of information on gardening for beginners, sustainable lifestyle, and raising chicks
- Simple and effective tips to live a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle
- Powerful hacks to save the planet while saving your money
- Plenty of tutorials, from planting flowers to your own vegetable garden that will help you start your own backyard garden today!
- 5 High-Quality Bonuses
- Quality-price ratio (Price $24.97 for 25 products worth $582.80)
Cons Of The Bundle
- You’re not interested in cultivating a sustainable lifestyle
- You don’t want to start your own organic garden
- You have no intention to live a more sustainable lifestyle
- Having 25 resources to read can be overwhelming
Who Do I Recommend this Bundle for?
- If you’re interested in living a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle
- If you want to develop habits of highly sustainable people
- If you want to start a home (backyard) garden but you don’t know where to start
- If you want to grow your own (organic) food
- If you’re interested in Permaculture
Who Don’t I Recommend this Bundle for?
- You don’t think you’ll use the products
- You don’t want to spend $24.97 on 25 products worth $582.80
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Posts On Living Your Best Life:
- How To Upgrade Your Life For Maximum Results & Happiness
- How To Figure Out What You Want In Life: 12 Simple Exercises
- Discover 10 simple ways to train your self-discipline muscle
- Use best time management apps to keep you on schedule at work
- Organize your day around your goals
- Use the Eisenhower Box to identify your top priorities and avoid the urgency trap
- Create and maintain a powerful morning routine
- Develop morning rituals to make your motivation flow effortlessly
- Create motivation through action
- Start before you are ready
- Improve your decision-making process
- Overcome your self-limiting beliefs that block your progress
- Balance productivity and happiness
- Cultivate self-care routine
- The 3 x 8 rule for Perfectly Balanced Day & Life
- Create rituals to induce a flow state
Stay positive, be mindful and start your own garden!
xo Kate