The Best Is Yet To Come
Whether you’re ready or not, 2021 is coming. Even in such strange, difficult and extraordinary times we’re living in, nothing, absolutely nothing can change this. (no, the world will not end anytime soon)
New Year vibe is just around the corner. There is only one question: have you already started planning potentially the best year of your life?
If your answer is no, then continue reading this post to discover 8 powerful ways to make 2021 the best year ever!
So without further ado, let’s dive in!
1. Set A Theme For The New Year
The first and most important thing to do when planning a spectacular 2021 is to pick a general theme for the entire year. This simple but creative approach will help you to set the tone for the next 12 months. Not to mention that choosing a personal theme for 2021 will make you feel more in control of your life. And isn’t that what we all need after everything bad that happened in 2020?
You may ask why not set goals instead of a theme? Actually, you should set both. Because, a theme is a leitmotif, your personal motto that you can use as a mantra to refocus on your top priorities and stay on track with your goals. However, being a more general idea, a theme does not in itself lead to success.
To achieve success, you need to set specific goals (post on how to set goals for 2021 and actually achieve them you will find here) and take a massive action to create intended results. So, as you can see, a theme is a more general idea, a tool that you can use to define and guide your life and leadership in the year ahead.
2. How To Find A Theme For 2021
- What do you want 2021 to be about?
- How do you want to feel during the next year?
- What is the main focus you would like to have for yourself?
Choose one word, sentence, quote or idea to define and guide your life in the year ahead. For instance, if you want 2021 to be the year of getting out of your comfort zone and learning new things you can opt for “Personal Growth” as your theme. Another great idea is to focus on creating more balance in your life so that you can feel more calm and grounded. I have a feeling that finding a healthy balance is something that we all need after everything that happened in 2020.
Setting up a personal theme should be a fun, inspiring and exciting experience. So don’t overthink, overanalyze and overcomplicate it. Just think about what changes do you want to make in your life and how do you want to feel by the end of the year. Then choose one word, sentence or quote that can perfectly describe your idea of living your best life in 2021.
3. Create Rituals To Embrace The Theme
Once you’ve set a personal theme for 2021, you need to pick habits and rituals that will help you to embrace your theme. For instance, if you want 2021 to be the year of a healthy lifestyle you can develop a healthy eating habit, drink more water on a daily basis, do some sort of physical activity every single day and switch toxic cosmetic products with those with natural and organic ingredients.
Or maybe you want 2021 to be the year of expanding your growth mindset. In this case, habits that will help you to fulfill your theme can be as follows:
- Learning something new every single day
- Increase your literacy skills
- Learn the basics of a new language
- Practice positive self-talk
- Create challenges for yourself to expand your growth mindset
- Practice self-reflection
- Cultivate evening gratitude etc
So as you can see, the habits and rituals you choose to develop depend on a theme you set for 2021. The only thing I can advise you is to choose habits and rituals that will improve the quality of your life.
4. Create A Vision Board
Success starts with a clear vision and a plan to make it a reality. That’s why if you want to set yourself up for a successful 2021 you need to create an inspiring and captivating image of your future self that will give you a strong reason to get out of bed early in the morning even on those days when you wake up unmotivated and uninspired. And what better way to do that than by creating a vision board that will give you the inspiration to work hard towards your dreams?
You have the power to consciously design your life. You are the one who can create your one reality, your opportunities, and your options in life. All you need to do is to use the power of your thoughts, words, and actions to create your ideal scenario and then turn it into your highly-personalized reality.
To create an inspiring vision board you just need to figure out what do you want to achieve, how do you want to feel and what do you want to experience in 2021. Then you need to find images and words that perfectly illustrate your short-term future, print them out, and stick them onto your vision board. Or you can use free online tools like Pinterest or Canva and create a digital vision board and set it up as your desktop background! The choice is yours!
5. Plan Your Enjoyment
Happiness does not depend on external factors but on your mental attitude and the action you take to create value for yourself. So if you thought that happiness is an external thing to be found under the right circumstances, you’re wrong.
True happiness always comes from within and it’s self-created. You can be happy even if things aren’t perfect in your life. Besides, there’s always something that can be improved, fixed, adjust or change. So if you wait to be happy until everything in your life is perfect, you’re wasting your time, energy, and potential. A much better option is to create your own happiness right now. And what better way to do that than by planning fun, enjoyable and entertaining moments to have something exciting to look forward to.
Thus, if you want 2021 to be the best year of your life, you should plan, organize and schedule some exciting stuff to make sure that you will find the time for enjoyment. So think about what do you want to experience and how do you want to feel in the next 12 months. Figure out how you’re going to achieve that and plan your enjoyment. Plan, schedule and organize moments of pure happiness for yourself and your loved ones. Be authentic and opt for experiences over things.
6. Plan Bucketlist Experiences
Another thing I love to do when comes to planning a new year is to create a bucket list of experiences I want to have. Because let’s face it if I don’t plan them most likely I will forget about them. That’s why I am currently creating my bucket list of adventures I want to experience for 2021. And I highly recommend you do the same!
A bucket list of adventures will not only help you to understand what do you want to experience in the next 12 months but also will motivate you to do your best to actually experience them. Isn’t that great?!
So think about the things that will make you feel the happiest and fulfilled, pick the most important and realistic and create your bucket list of adventures that you truly want to experience in 2021. Keep in mind that the current state of global emergency may not disappear overnight. So maybe don’t plan travel experiences only. Be realistic. Plan different kinds of experiences. Because this way you can be sure that some of them will certainly happen.
7. Plan Your Conscious Growth
“Everything is a blessing or a lesson”
The moment you start using unpleasant experiences as lessons and appreciate what you already have everything will change. You will change. You will start seeing the wonderful opportunities that life gives you. But first, you need to consciously choose to step outside of your comfort zone. Because real growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. And growth equals happiness. You cannot be happy if you’re not growing and progressing in your life. This brings me to the same old truth: that happiness comes from within and it is self-created.
So the question is, what do you choose, “a life which is comfortable but with limited growth” or “a life which is uncomfortable but expecting unlimited growth”?
If you choose the second option it means that you’re ready to get outside your comfort zone and boost success. But how to do that you might ask. Well, in my personal opinion the best way to get outside your comfort zone and commit to conscious growth is to make a plan. Literally make a list of specific skills, abilities, and knowledge you want to develop in the next 12 months making 2021 the year of growth.
8. Do An Energy Reset
If I had to choose one sentence to describe how 2020 makes me feel I would say that “it feels like being hit by a freight train over and over again.” Just when you think it’s getting better, that’s when it strikes back with a vengeance. There isn’t a moment of peace. Not to mention that mass media do everything they can to fuel fear and panic trying to make us believe that there’s literally nothing we can control about this situation. And I know that most of us feel the same.
After everything bad, incredibly painful, and deeply upsetting we’ve all have experienced during the last 12 months, we can take a deep breath because 2020 is about to end. Now it’s time to focus on the new year and start building a better future for all of us. But, first, we need to get rid of all the negative energy that surrounds us. Then, we can start fresh in the new year. So think about all these things that you want to leave behind to make space for the new. Reflect on what 2020 was like to you. Ask yourself:
- What went well?
- What didn’t go well?
And make a conscious decision to get rid of toxic energy from your life. Cleanse your mind, personal space, relationships, social media or even bathroom cupboard. Get rid of all the negativity to make space for the new positive energy. The best is yet to come.
Simple Ways To Reset Your Energy
- Journal
- Cleanse your physical space
- Detox your relationships
- Do a breathing exercise
- Meditate or Pray
- Be present. Practice Mindfulness through simple, everyday activities such as drinking coffee, talking to a friend, listening to music.
- Practice forgiveness
- Spend time in nature. Go for a walk. Hug a tree.
- Listen to music (Find Healing Meditation Music 432Hz on Youtube)
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Best Posts About Achieving Goals:
- Maximize Your Productivity: 6-Step Method To Get More Things Done In Less Time. HERE
- Perfect Morning Routine to Reduce Stress & Anxiety HERE
- The Ultimate Guide For Setting & Reaching Your Goals HERE
- 6 Self-Improvement Habits To Adopt in 2020 HERE
- Get into the Habit of Being Seriously Organized in 2020. HERE
- 8 Simple Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Successful 2020 HERE
- Powerful and smart ways to manage your time efficiently and effectively HERE
- 5 steps to success in achieving your goals HERE
- The ultimate way to overcome procrastination and become a highly productive person HERE
- The science of motivation HERE
- 10 powerful habits to boost your confidence HERE
Stay positive, be mindful and make 2021 the best year of your life!
xo Kate